Who am I ? psychotherapist Onlinet

As a psychotherapist, I specialize in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and emotional therapy, dedicated to fostering personal growth and emotional well-being. With a Master’s degree in psychology, I have a solid foundation in understanding human behavior and mental processes. My training in CBT allows me to help clients identify and change negative thought patterns, while emotional therapy focuses on processing feelings and experiences. It has been said that my style and approach is somewhat different as I make a connection with you.

In my practice, I work with individuals facing a variety of challenges, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship issues with oneself and others. I believe that therapy should be a collaborative process, where clients feel empowered to share their thoughts and emotions. Establishing a strong therapeutic relationship is crucial; I strive to create a safe and non-judgmental space where clients can explore their innermost feelings.

Using CBT techniques, I guide clients in recognizing cognitive distortions that contribute to their distress. Together, we challenge these negative beliefs and develop practical strategies to reframe their thoughts, helping clients to stay present and cultivate self-compassion.

In emotional therapy, I prioritize understanding emotions and their origins. We work together to process past experiences and emotions that may be impacting current behavior. This approach promotes emotional awareness, bringing expectations and reality closer together by facilitating change in a non-aggressive manor whilst fostering resilience. I am passionate about tailoring therapy to meet the unique needs of each individual.

Witnessing my clients’ progress is the most rewarding aspect of my work. It is fulfilling to see individuals break free from their limitations, reclaim their lives, and achieve their goals. As a psychotherapist, I am committed to walking alongside my clients on their journeys toward healing and self-discovery.

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